Needle stone or needle-zeolite are other informal names for Natrolite.

Needle stone or needle-zeolite are other informal names for Natrolite.

Chemical Formula: Na2Al2Si3O10(2H20)
Class: Tectosilicates
Hardness: 5-5.5
Coloration: Pale pink, colorless, white, gray, yellow

How to identify it/Unique Characteristics or Properties:
Natrolite generally comes in long, slender crystals with vertical striations which radiate from a central spot. However, it can also come in massive varieties, compact layers, and more.

Where to find it in…

The Northwest: Coffin Butte OR, The Santiam River.
Other: Canada, Australia, India, Ireland, Germany, New Zealand
Past Uses: Natrolite has been used in the past to help soften water.
How it was Made: Natrolite forms in the cracks an fissures of basalt, or in veins within granite.
Interesting Facts: Because of its’ very striking appearance, natrolite was one of the earliest minerals to be studied closely.