Chemical Formula: Cu
Class: Native Element
Hardness: 2.5-3
Coloration: Copper red to brown
How to identify it/Unique Characteristics or Properties: Usually found in other minerals, but when found as a native element is usually found in hydrothermal vents, but also can be found in large deposits within igneous rocks. Copper tarnishes dark and you will often see bronze that has aged to green.
Where to find it in…
The Northwest: N/A
Other: Arizona US, Michigan US, Germany, Bolivia, England, Russia, Australia.
Past Uses: Bronze and copper have been used in everything from swords (bronze age) to bells (still in use), cannons (early colonial) to water pipes (current). It is often used today in casting figurines and wires.
How it was Made: Usually found not as a native element, but in other forms. When native, it can be found in large aggregates or in hydrothermal vents.
Interesting Facts: Copper was the earliest metal used by people, and was mixed with tin to produce bronze. This was revolutionary at the time, a huge leap forward in technology.