
Chemical Formula: As
Class: Native Elements
Hardness: 3.5
Coloration: light Gray, but tarnishes to dark gray soon after

How to identify it/Unique Characteristics or Properties: As a naturally occurring pure element, arsenic is quite rare, and is usually found in realgar orpiment, or enargite. Even when in its’ pure form, it usually is in the presence of one of its other forms as well. In the picture above, the arsenic is the small grey crystals on top of the sulphur (yellow) and realgar (red).

Where to find it in…

The Northwest: Washington Camp, Arizona.
Other: Germany, Japan, France, Norway.
Past Uses: Arsenic has a long history of use, and its toxic effects were both noticed, and exploited, early on. Today it is used in herbicides, pesticides, and to give some metals strength at high temperature.
How it was Made: Arsenic is found in hydrothermal vents.
Interesting Facts: Arsenic easily goes directly from a solid to a gas when heated and smells of garlic during that process. Of course, it is highly toxic so please don’t try it.