Chemical Formula: Fe3Al2(SiO4)3
Class: Metamorphic rock, Garnet
Hardness: 3-4
Coloration: red to brown or black
How to identify it/Unique Characteristics or Properties: Garnets are a family of minerals that are quite common in metamorphic rock. Almandine is the most common of the garnets, and comes from red to brown colored. The crystals themselves are dodecahedral (12 faced) or trapezohedral (24 faced).
- Almandine
- Almandine
Where to find it in…
The Northwest: Idaho
Other: California, Michigan USA, Scotland, Norway, Sweden.
Past Uses: Low grade almandine is used as an abrasive, but mainly cut as gems.
How it was Made: Forms in cavities in metamorphic rock.
Interesting Facts: This is one of the commonest minerals in the world.